Do you need to increase your credit card limit? Do you know that you can have up to 4x your salary for your credit card limit?
Get a FREE voucher* with your increased credit limit!
Be rewarded with a S$10 Takashimaya shopping voucher* when your online application for Credit Card limit review is approved.
Promotion ends 15 March 2012.
Terms and Conditions apply.
*DBS Credit Cards Credit Limit Review Promotion Terms and Conditions
- The S$10 Takashimaya shopping voucher ("S$10 Gift") is limited to the first 800 DBS/ POSB Credit Card customers who successfully apply for a credit limit increase via online application form from 1 February to 15 March 2012.
- The S$10 Gift will be sent to the eligible customers within 2 months from 15 March 2012.
- Strictly one gift per customer, regardless of number of applications submitted for DBS/POSB Credit Card and/or DBS Cashline Credit Limit Review.
- The S$10 Gift is not exchangeable for cash or other items.
- We may replace the S$10 Gift with any item(s) of a similar value without prior notice.
- DBS is not an agent of the merchant or vice versa and shall not be liable for any loss, injury, claim or damage incurred as a result of the redemption or use of the merchant's goods and services.
- Additional Terms and Conditions apply.